

Likely one of my favorite mediums to use given its versatility, but its environmental effects as a plastic are something I'm grappling with. 

Starry Night Nursery

a mural spanning 3 walls

Wallingford Findings

acrylic on 3" canvas

Solar System in an Ale Glass

acrylic on canvas


a college professor - John Pearson - called every work of art a drawing, and as technology expands, I certainly feel like the definition of "drawing" becomes looser and looser. 


colored pencil on dictionary page

Dreams Come True

digital drawing

I'm Out

cartoon self portrait for classroom door


Once upon a time, watercolors were my least favorite medium. I'm grateful for mentors who modeled how to be mindful and peaceful while using this medium, and who gave me permission to break the rules of watercolors.

Hen at Hurricane Ridge




Orangutan Series

Observational drawings of the orangutans at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Rainforest

Environment & Nature Journaling

I try to carry a sketchbook with me when I go camping or hiking, and many of these images were created with the water  from the lakes, rivers, or streams onsite. 

Just Before 2 o'clock



ink & watercolor

Grand River Reflections


Madrona Beach


Purposeful (Sunflower)

ink & watercolor


colored pencil & ink

Fiber Arts

I am at my most peaceful with a needle and thread.

Ms. PEAR-ish

Hand sewn stuffy

Skull Diagram

cross stitch

Hurricane Ridge


Henry the Cat

freehand embroidery


freehand embroidery

Marigold for Sarah

A freehand embroidered memorial piece.

Mixed Media

When asked what my preferred medium is, I have to say "mixed media." Restrictions in media do not appeal to me, and it is truly rare that any work of art that I create is made from one single medium. 

Family Tree

watercolor, collage, charcoal, ink, hand stitching

Hilda Crèche

sculptural crèche made from Crayola Model Magic and other found objects, based on the characters of Luke Pearson


ink, colored pencil, watercolor

Pac-Man Repeating

acrylic, ink, & collage on canvas & wood

Dad's Smile

acrylic on multiple layers of chipboard

Rainbow Cake

Cat Cake

cream cheese icing on cake

Earth Day Log

Roll cake with fondant fungi


Something I'm interested in exploring more deeply!

Love & Flowers

a very short, goofy little stop motion experiment

Broken Branches

in October 2007, I suffered a traumatic brain injury and had to retrain my brain to "talk" to my hands, which was particularly terrifying for a college senior double-majoring in Studio Art and design-focused Theater who relied on fine motor skills.

this short claymation attempts to depict my trauma, recovery, and ideas about injury and growth

Foldspace Logo Animation

still logo created by another artist; animation by me


The examples here are just a start. As a college theater major, it was said that - given some twine and chicken wire, I could produce a beautiful gown, and while that may have been a stretch, it wasn't a huge one. 

Frida & Her Monkey


hand painted mask and individually stitched feathers


Film (coming soon)

I'm excited to share some of the film editing projects I've been working on!